Let’s discuss something’s about a godly marriage. This will be short and sweet and save you years of trouble and loss. Divorce is worse than death.
During my studies what I found is the ultimate marriage is not a couple that wants to be married. It’s two complete singles that often don’t want marriage. Marriage is the gift of the spirit from two people benefiting the will of God to a perfect fit.
A genetic secret is marriage is at its best when the two mates need to be copied for the betterment of humanity. A lot of women say they don’t want a daughter. This is there inner soul saying they do not want to be copied so pay attention…….
I’ve also studied that when a man is in his gift at a high level a help mate will come and help you with your gift. Gen 1 ( read slow )
So your true gift will have enough wealth in it for the both of you and for her to help you and be satisfied.
Many say women are never satisfied. Righteous women are and they we be perfectly happy helping you with your gift.
Not to be confused with a hobby, job, work, or business, which can ruin a relationship. But your gift. If your gift is one of these things listed that’s different.
Genesis 1
Isaiah 46: 9-10
Mathew 9: 1-10
The deepest part about Mathew 9 is Jesus didn’t really answer the question he drew them back to the scriptures and the beginning.
What God is saying is do things how they were meant in the beginning.
The man was only concerned with his singleness and work and the presence of God then he was sent a help mate.
So here it is :
Godly women need to be single and celibate waiting to be sent to a man who is focused on his Gift and being in the presence of the Lord.
Men need to be celibate, exercising there gift and enjoying the presence of the lord. At some point someone will come to help you. Multiple people may come and you get to choose.
Eden - Eden is also a spot where the presence of God is.
So when man is in his gift and in Eden women will seek him out. You will even need wisdom to turn down the devil as well.
Now my advice to women is different because your calling is different and this is what I’ve learned from other kept women. Spend time growing yourself from the inside and pick up hobbies.
During my studies what I found is the ultimate marriage is not a couple that wants to be married. It’s two complete singles that often don’t want marriage. Marriage is the gift of the spirit from two people benefiting the will of God to a perfect fit.
A genetic secret is marriage is at its best when the two mates need to be copied for the betterment of humanity. A lot of women say they don’t want a daughter. This is there inner soul saying they do not want to be copied so pay attention…….
I’ve also studied that when a man is in his gift at a high level a help mate will come and help you with your gift. Gen 1 ( read slow )
So your true gift will have enough wealth in it for the both of you and for her to help you and be satisfied.
Many say women are never satisfied. Righteous women are and they we be perfectly happy helping you with your gift.
Not to be confused with a hobby, job, work, or business, which can ruin a relationship. But your gift. If your gift is one of these things listed that’s different.
Genesis 1 & 2 :18 -25 ( I add in 1 because it’s not a coincidence God made made man to work and be in his presence before he formed him a helper )
Isaiah 46: 9-10
Mathew 9: 1-10
The deepest part about Mathew 9 is Jesus didn’t really answer the question he drew them back to the scriptures and the beginning.
What God is saying is do things how they were meant in the beginning.
The man was only concerned with his singleness and work and the presence of God then he was sent a help mate.
So here it is :
Godly women need to be single and celibate waiting to be sent to a man who is focused on his Gift and being in the presence of the Lord.
Men need to be celibate, exercising there gift and enjoying the presence of the lord. At some point someone will come to help you. Multiple people may come and you get to choose.
Eden - Eden is also a spot where the presence of God is.
So when man is in his gift and in Eden women will seek him out. You will even need wisdom to turn down the devil as well.
Now my advice to women is different because your calling is different and this is what I’ve learned from other kept women. Spend time growing yourself from the inside and pick up hobbies.
Your role is to make much with less so practice making much with little ingredients in the kitchen, in business ideas, etc etc ask God to give you the eyes and spirit to multiply anything put in your hands. Including a man’s heart at the appointed time.
I hope you respect this post, I’m going through divorce and I’ve studied this out all year.
I had good intentions but I did not know what I was doing.
*Jesus' Teachings on Marriage*
*Matthew 19:3-12 and Mark 10:2-12*
When asked about divorce and marriage, Jesus referenced Genesis 2:24, emphasizing:
1. *Unity*: "The two shall become one flesh."
2. *Indissolubility*: "What God has joined together, let no man separate."
3. *Original Intent*: Marriage reflects God's design.
*Key Points*
1. *Divorce*: Permitted under Old Testament law (Deuteronomy 24:1), but not God's original intent.
2. *Adultery*: Cited as grounds for divorce (Matthew 5:31-32).
3. *Marriage*: Sacred union between man and woman.
*Jesus' Radical View*
1. *Elevated Marriage*: Restored marriage to its original purpose.
2. *No Divorce*: Except for adultery.
3. *Love and Commitment*: Emphasized loyalty and faithfulness.
1. Ephesians 5:25-33 (marriage reflects Christ and the Church)
2. 1 Corinthians 7:10-16 (marriage and divorce guidelines)
3. Genesis 2:18-25 (creation and marriage)
*Inspirational Quotes*
1. "Love your spouse as Christ loved the Church." - Ephesians 5:25
2. "Marriage is a reflection of God's love." - Unknown
3. Marriage is an opportunity for God to prove his word, it’s a opportunity for Godly people to be copied. - George Taylor
Listen to Dr Myles Monroe message on singleness and order the book.